Traxex -
The Drow RangerRange: 600 | | Move Speed: 300 | Primary: AGI
Str: 17 + 1.9 |
Agi: 22 + 2.9 | Int: 15 + 1.4
Damage: 40 - 51 | HP: 473 | Mana: 195
HP Regen: 0.76 | Mana Regen: 0.61
Attack Speed: 1.33 (+ 22% IAS) | Armor: 2.1
Frost Arrows (R)
Induces a freezing effect to the hero's attacks. Each attack slows the enemy's movement and attack rates..
Level 1 - Slows attack rate by 5% and movement rate by 10%.
Level 2 - Slows attack rate by 10% and movement rate by 20%.
Level 3 - Slows attack rate by 15% and movement rate by 30%.
Level 4 - Slows attack rate by 20% and movement rate by 40%.
Mana Cost: 12
Cooldown: N/A
Silence (E)Stops all enemies in an area of around 300 AoE from casting skill spells. Doesn't silence item spells.
Level 1 - Lasts 3 seconds.
Level 2 - Lasts 4 seconds.
Level 3 - Lasts 5 seconds.
Level 4 - Lasts 6 seconds.
Mana Cost: 90
Cooldown: 15
Trueshot Aura (T)An aura that gives friendly nearby units bonus damage to their ranged attacks. Only amplifies base damage and damage gained from bonus stat items.
Level 1 - Increases base ranged damage by 7%.
Level 2 - Increases base ranged damage by 14%.
Level 3 - Increases base ranged damage by 21%.
Level 4 - Increases base ranged damage by 28%.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Marksmanship (M)The Ranger's accuracy has increased to the point where she can slay lesser enemies in one shot. If she has life steal item and slay an enemy in that shot, she will gain a % of the remaining HP of that creep.
Doesn't work on Ancients.
Level 1 - Slays creeps 10% of the time.
Level 2 - Slays creeps 15% of the time.
Level 3 - Slays creeps 20% of the time.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
SKILL BUILD1. Attribute Bonus
2. Frost Arrow
3. Attribute Bonus
4. Silence
5. Frost Arrow
6. Marksmanship
7. Attribute Bonus
8-9. Frost Arrow
10. Attribute Bonus
11. Marksmanship
12. Attribute Bonus
13-15. Silence
16. Marksmanship
17-21. Attribute Bonus
22-25. Trueshot Aura